Sunday, January 8, 2023

Why the Titanic ship sank

few people might have thout as to y theTitanic was considered to be one of the most luxurious and safest ships of its time.
 It was owed by the White Star Line and was built in Belfast, Ireland by the shipbuilding firm Harland and Wolff. The Titanic was 882 feet long and weighed over 46,000 tons. It was equipped wih state-of-the-art technology and was believed to be unsinkable 
On the evening of April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg while traveling from Soutaampton, England to New York City. The impact caused the hull to rupture and flood several compartments, and despite the crew's efforts to keep the ship afloat, it eventually went down. The ship did not have enough lifeboats to accommodate al of the passengers, and as a result, many people drowned or froze to death in the freezing water. 
The disaster was one of the deadliest in modern history and led to significant chenges in maritime reglations to improve safety.As a result of the disaster, new international maritime laws were implemented to improve safety at sea. Thse laws required ships to carry enough lifeboats for all passengers and crew, to have proper safty drills and procedures in place, and to limit the speed at which ships could travelll in certain conditions. 
The sinking of the Titanic also led to the development of new technologies, such as the use of wireless radio as a means of communication between ships and shore, which helped toimprove safety and prevent future disaster.. kweli this is a very bad disaster.

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