Wednesday, March 8, 2023

GREAT culture chapter four, Boniface maiyani

As a tradition, before war would begin, member of our community had to be asked to offer assistance in order to make the war active and lively.

 Lapuroni, with his protruding nose likely to grasp all the air in the vicinity, was as usual contrary to the people. He never asked people to join hands but gave it as an order. Was he like serious surely? In fact, he was double on this. That’s why he was once quoted saying the following words.  

                  “People of my community,  

                   I want to make you famous”    

 He said with an almost deafening sound.                    “…in order to do that  ...war…  Southern must be taught a lesson”     

  He blotted out producing those eyes that could send a snow into melting. 

         “You must give me a helping hand,                      Conquer is the way … way of the high leaders,                     Those tall and brown men, Will call my name like it’s a nice meal.”He said this in a voice that seemed to be requesting.  

     At that incessant time Lapuroni thought of how about choosing a specialist who would perform a ritual aimed at finding whether they would win the strife.

 Lapuroni at times sought advice from the village elders but never did that when he is under the influence of ignorance.This time back, he overcame the ignorantia influence and sought help from the village elders. The elders decided to advise him to choose a bull without blemish.      

 A bull without blemish was chosen from the rest. The bull had to be slaughtered the following morning at the crack of dawn. A bull without blemish was selected from the rest for they were believed to be totally pure and free   from any forms of misfortunes. 

The following morning when the rituals were performed it brought a positive result. What the specialist does cannot be told by any tom, dick and harry you would ever come across. Actually, it is under the scope of my knowhow.   

     Lapuroni was in all jovial moods as after the results were announced to him he was overheard singing the following songs. He actually shivered with delight, moreover self-congratulations.  

           “Blessed is the man who always …  

       … Who always tries to find a solution to his 

           Disturbing problems?” 

          “Victory will always,        

   Come after, a rage of a,  

           Rage of a spear.  

         Oh! Oh! Oh!”    

       “Bless is the specialist,     

        Who always foretell the good fortunes”   

      “Blessed is the man,     

      The man who never fears,    

       To do what he wants to do.”     

     “This is why the people,  The people from the south,  Will know who I am?”Lapuroni was as sure as the sun would finally set today that he would achieve victory with such an ease that he even did not wonder how this would materialize. 

He was sure all this would come to happen since he had this indubitable attitude that specialist were always true and sincere in their work. As if to make him cycle in the sky, it was clear that no such rituals performed had ever backslidden.  

        " Lapuroni need to be remembered some facts in life.These are none other than,       

a)Do not whistle till you are out of the woods     

 b)Man is to error   

  c)Don’t count your chicks before they are hatch….”

A village elder was heard complaining. This to Lapuroni was the mere prayers a hen prays against the eagle. 

So many ancient tales surround this but biology also has a place in this. To balance nature a whole food chain must be completed. 

He was seconded by his fellow elder, who said that,’’you see after the specialist had herald that the victory would come easy, an ear –to- ear smile appeared on Lapuroni once grave face. 

His eyes grew wider with excitement leaving his nose bulging out as if he wanted to breathe the environments pure natural air to himself. His mouth remained wide open exposing a set of coffee brown, stained teeth, were sharp and long. 

May be all this would be paid back with an astonishing defeat. How could he not focus up?”      Some other villagers also said that it was the first time that he had tried to giggle. Lapuroni had always tried to be serious so that people would know that he was a man of know jokes.

 After all this was over it came to Lapuroni time to finalize the matter. Usually before war there were usually some tasks which were supposed to be fulfilled and don by reigning leader. 

At times people would not believe that there was going to be any war since there were double sure that winning was a matter impossible like collecting diamond at the mwandui mines at shinyanga.    

  Lapuroni decided to appoint the leader of the raid, who would inveigle many warriors to join in the cattle raid. Many warriors would be required, so, Lapuroni had to choose someone who was famous in warfare activities. 

A warrior who was daring and had killed a lion was the suitable one. The chosen leader was to be given the title Olaiguanani.  Raiding in our community was taken as a leisure activity, so almost all the youths agreed to participate in the raid. This was actually what Lapuroni had been waiting.

 He would even give you a heifer if you would have told him that he was to have the support of all the youths in our community. Of course any one can be happy, so why not our own Lapuroni? An opportunity such as that were his top most expectations. 

His task was now to try and organize them well so that they would not let him down. The raid leader who was chosen was also a failure in some aspects.      He was unable to gather all the youth and discuss technical issue like how well they would behave when in the alien environment. 

The man was chosen because of his physical qualities without even thinking about the unseen qualities such as knowledge, wise decisions and organizing power. Never the less the warriors also had a reward had they come out a successful punitive expedition. They would become richer for they would come out with a large heard of cattle from the invaded society.  

  The warriors would also be given the maximum respect that they deserved. However, they were supposed to respect the elderly in the society since they were and deserved to be respected. Too, they had to hold a ceremony which was called Eunoto.

 This was a warrior graduation ceremony which was to plaster their heads with cow dung and also had to drink blood which was row and readily gushing from an animal’s cut throat. They would also get an opportunity to get married to their loved ones. 

Please once again thanks for reading. Since sharing is caring please share and comment.

Watch out for chapter five..

Thanks one more time.


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  1) David kisira. This guy's is a man of the masses, he has been on records to having fundraising online irrespective of gender. Though...