Friday, February 17, 2023

Kenyan Gospel Artists Called Out by Eric Omondi


The gospel music industry has failed us.

They have more scandals than the secular

industry.In every generation there is

always a voice that God sends to help us

understand the truth and debunk. The lies

that bind us, we know that to Open the

Eyes of the people you don't bring out

the sweet thing but hard proof to both

benefiting from the status War.

 we are the truth mongers,  who said God does not

use Thorns to cry out his word. Whenever

the church sleeps,  you need to get back

to God you can't get into Sodom and come


Eric omondi an Entertainer in a

stunning video doing rounds on social

media,  has spoken what 99 of modern day

preachers cannot, the amount of sex that

gospel musicians are having,  and  um the

amount of sex and fornication that they

take when they beat and.

 Willy Paul having a friend of mine,  who I know his place

and I know what he does from Thursday to

Sunday.He changes women like clothes.

We don't see him anywhere. You see many

artists,  have made Jesus the product and

the gospel amines to an end. They sell

their products to you,  get their Returns

on investments then goes on to become

brand influencers. 

Others become

political aspirants while majority

switch to secular music,  when they

discover they cannot keep their scandals

secret anymore, and more others abandon

the faith.

we saw Archbishop gitonga anoint bahati

to give him an edge over his political

competitors,  this is in spite of bahati's

double life being out in the public


On the other side his wife had released

a song that glorifies sponsors,  among

other songs.


The most immoral people in Kenya are

former gospel artist, by the way we think

bahati should just go back and collect

the money he gave the Archbishop for

lying to him,  by pouring that anointing

oil the bishop normally says is from


we have lost our tasks with

God and the church has left down Kenya.

Instead of leading this artist to Christ, 

they lead them to the world.Are these

preachers to blame for the rod and the

falling away of many in church,  and the

rise of homosexuality in Kenya is

because of you. In fact some of you are

part of it and don't bear me I can

mention 10 of you who are homosexuals.

Well Apostle Kim explains to us who a

gospel artist is,  see you in the next one

let me not give you the two kinds of

gospel artists I see today.

Number one I see consecrated gospel


and desecrated gospel artists.We can

call them perverted.

They are consecrated gospel artists who

are within

the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ , and

they are perfected gospel artists

who swear the hearts of men to bow down

to the image of God.

Remember in the Book of Daniel chapter 3, 

what the Nebuchadnezzar say, he said when

you hear instrument of music, 

when you hear the siphoning,  you hear the

keyboards that word here they have. When

you hear this beautiful Renditions

skillful instrumentalists, 

bow to the image that has not stopped.

it's still happening today, 

you bow

to the image that produced the music, 

the image that produced the music is what you bow to.

If it is the image of Christ that is

producing the image,  the music you bow to


if it's another image, you bow to that

image. That cannot tell you why iniquity

is raining, 

because people are buying to the image

that is not of Christ must bow to the

image of the Antichrist. Watch,  this a

secular artist their song make you bow

to the another image not the image of


now the perverted gospel artist his son

make you bow to the Antichrist, 

but a consecrated gospel artist their

song make you bow to Christ.

Are you understanding me? they are not


They are consecrated ones.

do you know what I'm talking about? they

are not what

they are consecrated ones.

But in the world system the artists are


and the perverted gospel artists are


because what is highly assaulted among

men is an abomination.

It is before God sadly speaking,  we

preachers are not telling people the

truth. I told you before they'll be riot

in hell.

They'll be right people are going to

look for their Apostles to beat them up, 

for deceiving them are not telling them

the truth.

Fo collecting their type and their

offerings,  I said some of these guys

don't know the truth you can only live

according to the truth you know.

That is what the Bible says.

Now what then is the Bible portrait of a

consecrated gospel artist? number one

a consecuted gospel at this,  is one who

creates music that tells us about the

penalty of sin.

I've got to learn very fast because

there are a lot of things to write and

the time is short. One who creates music

that tells us about what the penalty of

sin , that means his music or her music

his appearance or her appearance

activates the convictions of the spirit

and an adulterer cannot sit under him

and be dancing.

Are you answering me and be doing all

the downstairs,  no when you sit under him

under her

you should become sober, 

because it is telling you there's

penalty in sin there's penalty in

fornication there's penalty in adultery

there's penalty in lying.

 Are you understanding what I'm talking about? so

so that's a consecrated gospel artist is

he .He is bad by the Holy Ghost built to

the Perfection of the Saints to activate

the convictions of the spirit. That is

why when they sing people surrender to


so India what to call Concept there's no

gate fee.


you know why because Jesus said, come

unto me only that level and a heavy

letter and I will give you rest.

 There was no good to see when you make that

Proclamation,  he didn't tell you that I

know you are the one carrying the money.

Oh yeah as they come collect it, 

so that tells me a consecrated gospel

artist does not organize concept with

gate fees.

we have to tell the church the truth my


Look at the nurse portrait of a concentrated gospel artist one, 

number two one who creates music that

tells us about the good news of how

Christ died and freed us from the

penalty of sin.

It tells you about the pregnancy and

answers to how Christ died

and free you from the penalty of things.

They are here in another world,  he saw

her music appearance lifestyle and

everything will unveil Christ to you as

a Redemption sacrifice.

Their music,  their Lifestyles the lyrics

of their music,  their Beats , The Sounds

the keyboard and everything

will not make you feeling sexy, 


It should not make you to dance Connolly, 

it's unfairs.

whenever we are singing this song, 

Israeli song that says:

the cross of Jesus,  how do you feel

when you're thinking about the cross of

Jesus,  how do you feel?.

Songs like "Oh The Blood of Jesus how do

you feel you see the presence".

That is God telling you I approved

the one, you sing you don't see the

president God is saying I disapprove.

It's something you know what I'm saying, 

here listen carefully we must understand

these things. Look at what Jesus said,  no

one can come to the father and so the

father draws him so that now tells me

that when that artist

Gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel artist

of Jesus Christ,  the consecrated one when

he sit

and he's creeping his music when he now

come out to sing it the arm of the Lord


Because no one can come to the father

except the father draw him. They will

stand,  they will play their keyboard,  they

could be doing the redeem between

anything,  but the hand of the Lord will

just come down and start pulling people

out of a life of sin and wickedness.

so that tells you a consecuted gospel

artist brings the hand of God down.

Even Elisha needed one, 

get me the mistress let them and the

Bible say when the mystery see the hand

of the Lord came upon him.


in the Palace of Saul,  I wish I have time

to talk about that one even before the


no matter how the money the demon is

give me,  some the hand of the Lord to the

Saints and so I began to behave.

Our own artists when they sing people

don't behave they misbehave, 

they get my point.a drunk sit under

their Ministry and remain a drunk.

A foreign those are not consecrated gospel artists, 

they are perverted gospel artists.

Perverted because the one that is

consecrated will bring the arm of the

Lord down,  that will draw hearts to the


So may bring the hand of the Lord down.

I'm not hearing you why are you so


you know the church don't like this kind

of gospel if I say you buy a car they

say Jesus.


What will you do when you get to heaven

and Jesus say, ah you've missed it though.

what will you do?  May that not happen to


The Bible say broad is the way that

leads to what, 

so that means he creates or he or she

create his music,  not not my word I say

one more great tell me great tell me

they don't steal.

They don't steal their music they create


They don't stand and look at the

beatings of the world maybe. This a

secular music that is celebrated in the

whole world they now bring it and change

the lyrics, 

and maintain the beat because they are

looking for visibility.

They are looking for likes on Facebook, 

looking for views on YouTube,  that's what

they're looking. For is not to fulfill

the Mandate of the Great Commission,  a

gospel artist of Jesus Christ is part of

the instruments of righteousness

on the face of the, 

in another world a consecuted gospel

artist will sing you out of the Broadway

and bring you into the narrow way.

That leads to life is somebody hearing

me ?do you know that we need such people

now with this understanding. do we really

have gospel artists?


English (auto-generated)


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  1) David kisira. This guy's is a man of the masses, he has been on records to having fundraising online irrespective of gender. Though...