Wednesday, February 15, 2023

How I grew a Digital Marketing company to twenty-seven employees



unfortunately the business we had,  then

we lost it.which meant that now is not

able to also sustain the

name is Fred Fred Kinsey the founder and

CEO of Belvoir digital.we are digital

marketing agency managing about 10 clans, 

with about 27 staff members and we've

been doing this for the last five years.

so what we do is we, we refine digital

marketing to be able to drive more

results for beyond just

growing a facebook pages and Twitter

platforms, we want to be able to drive

more customers for clients, want to

crease the sales. we want them to sign up

more cost more partners and so my

interpreter speech goes back to compass.

back then I'd run a printing shop and

after that,  I did computer science for

four years in Jake one in which after

that I landed fantastic opportunity at

Google.but at I left and worked for IBM

again had a very short steam stuff in

enduring not appeared,  I felt I you know

you only saw a burning fire. as an

interpreter is only something that you

wake up every morning and you feel I

need to do this and that's how velvety

straw was born for the first two three


you as a business Eagles for toughest, 

you know getting as many kinds you know

growing as the ones. I remember this day

just got an email from Microsoft saying

they're looking fine agency, I want to do

SME cabins in Kenya business East Africa

actually and they're looking for an

agency to be able to support them. so one

is I didn't have any contacts as a

Microsoft or this is this is felt like

vindication of the work being done for

the tears now people eventually know you, 

and they can be able to to be able to

challenge you.

 So we you know submitted a

proposal, we went for the pitch and we

won that count and this was fairly

against other in order to be big

agencies. in terms of managing

Millennials,  one you don't really manage

traditionally so Millennials don't try

it with setting barriers. if you put them

in a box that's where you lose

here we unbox them we let them be we let

them understand most important thing for

us is KPIs. 

So each of our employees

knows that they have responsibilities, 

there are particular cons are they

manage they have their duties and it's

well defined and they know at the end of

you know a month or quarterly there's

been 12 acid on this provider to review.

Much has been done, I think it was 2014

they're about second year in business.

that first two people

the content person a copywriter a

developer. unfortunately the business we

had then we lost it which meant that now

is not able to also sustain the

employees.all right so we won this award

about three month ago,  the digital media

was won it for Lauria we did a very good

campaign for them for a product called

duck and lovely. very good work to the

team as well as to the big part of the


So the future for us is is to to

grow into a marketing technology company, 

we bring marketing very well but we want

to infuse it with tech.we've actually

built one of our first products, 

it's called ad space Africa.

we are lying

advertisers to buy out those sites

online,  so you can go in you can compare, 

you can book your site and then it can

be flighted.

English (auto-generated)


Know your blogger from Kajiado south

  1) David kisira. This guy's is a man of the masses, he has been on records to having fundraising online irrespective of gender. Though...