Wednesday, February 15, 2023

16 HACKS to Become SMARTER in 7 DAYS | StudyWithKiki


Hey guys it's Kiki and today I'm going

to be showing you guys,  16 hacks to

become smarter without studying in 7

days.make sure to stick around for the

last hack, because it actually tells you

how to stop yourself from losing your


So without further ado

let's get on with the video.

the first hack is to take fish oil

capsules, fish oil is actually

scientifically proven to make you

smarter because eating foods rich in

omega-3 like fish oil capsules boosts

blood flow to the brain and improves the

brain performance during mental task.

The second hack is to drink plenty of

water. it is extremely important to stay

hydrated every single day

because according to researchers

students who drink lots of water to

better in exams and have better grades, 

because water maximizes brainpower.

The third hack is to eat as healthy as

possible.make sure to have at least one

fruit or vegetable in every meal, because

if you eat healthy your body and brain

will thank you.

The fourth hack is to read whenever you

can.reading as many of you probably

already know increases your vocabulary

and also improves your writing, but the

best part about this hack is that you

can actually become smarter by reading

your favorite article or magazines.

anything that requires you to read and

comprehend will work.

 The fifth hack is

to do puzzles in your spare time. puzzles

are a great fun and effective way to

improve your problem-solving skills,  as

well as increasing your brainpower.what

if you have some time pull up a chair

and do some Sudoku or if you prefer

technology find a puzzle app that you



The sixth hack is to do the number plate

game. this game is really simple and it's

great if you want to improve your mental

maths.basically all you do is take the

numbers of a number plate of a car you

see nearby and you try to make ten by

using addition subtraction

multiplication and division. 

So for example if you have numbers for eight

and two you could do eight plus four

divided by two which makes ten.

 the seven

pack is to talk to smart people often so

this might sound really weird,  but this

is actually pretty helpful because when

you talk to smart people and I'm not

trying to be stereotypical here,  because

this is actually true you learn new

vocabulary as well as something useful

general knowledge.

 The eight pack is to

change the way you explain things. when

you explain things try your best to

explain things logically and more

explicit.try using some new or advanced

vocabulary to improve in your writing as

well as reading comprehension.

 The ninth pack is to always try to pay attention

in class.I know this may be really

obvious but if you want to get good

grades without actually studying at home

try to pay as much attention as possible

in class.I have a video called twelve

hacks to stay focused in class so make

sure to go check it out I'll leave the

link and the description box down below.

The 10 pack is to listen to classical

music. listening to classical music has

so many benefits including maximizing

your brain power as well as things like

keeping your stress levels down. whenever

you have time listen to some Mozart or


The 11 pack is to play an

instrument.this is kind of like an

add-on to the last hack but if you have

access to an instrument then go ahead

and play is actually proven to

have so many benefits including making

you smarter.

The twelve pack is the limit

TV time.

if you can limit your TV time to an hour

or less per day and either go outside or

something away from technology.

 The thirteenth pact is to stay positive try

to stay positive as much as possible, 

because negativity actually impacts your

brain and your grades way more than you

actually think.try to look for the

positive side of things and always try

to think of the glass half full and not

half empty.

 The fourteenth pact is to

develop a new this kind of

links with the hack I just mentioned but

having a hobby has so many benefits

including keeping you happy and

stress-free. so next time you find

yourself with a lot of free time do

something you enjoy or find something

new that you love.

The 15 pact is to get

enough sleep. I know I mentioned this all

the time like I swear I say this in

every single one of my videos but that

is because this is so important and this

is really overlooked by everyone. always

try to get eight hours sleep every day

even if this means going to bed half an

hour earlier than usual.

 The 16 pack is

do not multitask. this last hack doesn't

actually make you smarter but prevents

decay of your brain and stops you from

losing your intelligence. there are also

lots of consequences which come with

multitasking so avoided at all costs.

 So hope you guys enjoyed. I would love to

know which hack was your favorite so let

me know in the comment section down always make sure to subscribe

give this video a thumbs up and comment

down below.what video you would like me

to do next bye guys happy studying.

English (auto-generated)

1 comment:

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